Trying to figure out how much your auto loan payment will be, if it will fit in your monthly budget, or what term is best for you? Drop in the loan numbers you’d like to test and calculate away!
Psst... don't forget to subtract the cost of a down payment or trade-in value (if you have one) and save a little room for optional coverages, too!
Worried about the high cost of mechanical repairs on your vehicle? Cover costs beyond the manufacturer’s warranty with mechanical repair coverage – available on both new and used vehicles.
On average, the total cost of this coverage will be less than $1,800 (most dealerships will charge $2,500 - $3,000!) The best part? This can be added to the loan so you don't need to pay out-of-pocket.
If your vehicle is declared a total loss, you're liable to pay the “gap” between the insurance settlement and your loan balance. Guaranteed Asset Protection can help cover that difference and reduce your out-of-pocket loss.
The average lifetime cost for GAP is about $450 and can be included in your monthly payment.
Psst... if you finance your next vehicle with Skyla within 90-days, GAP will pay $1,000 towards your new loan!
Don’t let unforeseen life circumstances prevent you from meeting your financial obligations. With these optional protections, you'll be covered up to $75,000.
To factor in these costs to add on to your loan, you can expect to pay $0.68 for every $1,000 borrowed for Credit Life or $2.38 for every $1,000 borrowed for Credit Disability protection.
Simply drop in your best estimates and click Calculate. Not quite where you want your payment to be? Make any adjustments needed and punch Calculate again to update.
4.50% APR1 for 0 - 48 months
5.50% APR1 for 49 - 60 months
5.99% APR1 for 61 - 72 months2
1APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Please review our current rate list. Rates shown are for qualified borrowers only.
2Certain conditions apply.
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